زمانبندی برنامه پذیرش نیروهای متخصص متقاضی مهاجرت به کبک

زمانبندی برنامه پذیرش نیروهای متخصص متقاضی مهاجرت به کبک

اداره مهاجرت کبک  زمانبندی برنامه جاری پذیرش نیروی متخصص خود را با تغییراتی اغلام نمود .در این تغییرات متقاضیان در سه مرحله اقدام مینمایند.
مرحله اول پذیرش که ثبت نام و یا به تعبیری گشایش اکانت و یا حساب کاربری میباشد تا تاریخ 25 ژانویه 2016 تمدید شد.  تا این تاریخ کلیه متقاضیان بایستی مبادرت به افتتاح اکانت یا حساب کاربری نماییند و اطلاعات خود را وارد سیستم کنند.
مرحله دوم که از 26 ژانویه تا 15 فوریه 2016 می باشد مربوط به افرادی است که دارای حساب کاربری هسنتد و باید در این مدت نسبت به تکمیل و رفع نقص مدارک خود اقدام نمایند. مرحله سوم از 16 فوریه تا 31 مارس می باشد و متقاضیان باید ضمن پرداخت هزینه بررسی پرونده یا پراسسینگ فی نسبت به تکمیل نهایی  پرونده با ضمیمه کردن و ارسال مدارک درخواستی اقدام نمایند .  به این ترتیب تنها افرادی که حساب کاربری خود را تا 25 ژانویه 2016 افتتاح کرده اند میتوانند مدارک خود را ارسال نمایند . احراز 57 امتیاز برای متقاضیان متاهل و 49 امتیاز برای متقاضیان مجرد ضروری میباشد و مدارک تحصیلی از بین رشته های ذیل امتیاز آور میباشند. جهت بررسی حاثز شرایط بودن و اقدامات لازم آماده پاسخگویی به سوالات متقاضیان گرامی میباشیم

Administrators – Post-secondary Education and Vocational Training (0421)
Aerospace Engineers (2146)
Aircraft Mechanics and Aircraft Inspectors (7315)
Architectural Technologists and Technicians (2251)
Assessors, Valuators and Appraisers (1314)
Agricultural and Fish Products Inspectors (2222)
Archivists (5113)
Banking, credit and other investment managers (0122)
Biologists and Related Scientists (2121)
Biological Technologists and Technicians (2221)
Business Development Officers and Marketing Researchers and Consultants (4163)
Chemical Technologists and Technicians (2211)
Chemical Plant Machine Operators (9421)
Civil Engineer (2131)
Civil Engineering Technologists and Technicians (2231)
Computer and Information Systems Managers (0213)
Computer Engineers (Except Software Engineers and Designers) (2147)
Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers (2174)
Computer Network Technicians (2281)
Construction Estimators (2234)
Construction Inspectors (2264)
College and Other Vocational Instructors (4131)
Community and Social Service Workers (4212)
Database Analysts and Data Administrators (2172)
Drafting Technologists and Technicians (2253)
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2133)
Engineering Managers (0211)
Financial Auditors and Accountants (1111)
Financial and Investment Analysts (1112)
Geoscientists and Oceanographers (2113)
Graphic Arts Technicians (5223)
Graphic Designers and Illustrators (5241)
Head Nurses and Supervisors (3151)
Heavy-duty Equipment Mechanics (7312)
Human Resources Managers (0112)
Human Resources professionals  (1121)
Human Resources and Recruitment officers (1223)
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers (2141)
Industrial Designers (2252)
Information Systems Analysts and Consultants (2171)
Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing Technologists and Technicians (2233)
Inspectors in Public and Environmental Health and Occupational health & Safety (2263)
Licensed Practical Nurses (3233)
Librarians (5111)
Library and Public Archive Technicians (5211)
Manufacturing Managers (0911)
Machinists and Machining and Tooling Inspectors (7231)
Machine Fitters (7316)
Machining Tool Operators (9511)
Mechanical Engineers (2132)
Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians (2232)
Medical Radiation Technologists (3215)
Medical Sonographers (3216)
Other financial officers (1114)
Other Professional Engineers (2148)
Opticians (3151)
Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment (3237)
Other Professional Occupations in Social Science, n.e.c. (4169)
Professional Occupations in Business Management Consulting (1122)
Physicists and Astronomers (2111)
Psychologists (4151)
Registered Nurses (3152)
Sales, Marketing and Advertising Managers (0611)
Sales Representatives – Wholesale Trade (Non-Technical) (6411)
Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers (1113)
Software Engineers and Designers (2173)
Social Policy Researchers, Consultants and Program Officers (4164)
Supervisors, food, beverage and associated products processing (9213)
Supervisors, Plastic and Rubber Products Manufacturing (9214)
Supervisors, Motor Vehicle Assembling (9221)
Supervisors, Electronics Manufacturing (9222)
Supervisors, Electrical Products Manufacturing (9223)
Supervisors, other Mechanical and Metal Products Manufacturing (9226)
Supervisors, Other Products Manufacturing and Assembly (9227)
Systems Testing Technicians (2283)
Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters (5125)
Technical Sales Specialists – Wholesale Trade (6221)
Tool and Die Makers (7232)
User Support Technicians (2282)
Web Designers and Developers (2175)